Why do we still live in the circus tent? Though we are gifted.

Jilson K J
6 min readMar 19, 2017


A story which I read ten years ago which was deep inside my subconscious mind forced me to wake up and troubled my rest of the night sleep with a question.

Why are we still here ?

The story goes ……..

Mother camel and baby camel.

It’s a circus tent, The Great Indian circus. Many animals, players and artists and beautifully decorated tents, music and every fun and merry. but today is no show day. Rest for all animals. It’s hot afternoon everyone is resting. Let us check the corner where there is a tree and under the tree rests the mother camel and baby camel. Mother camel is sleeping baby is trying to sleep but the baby camel is not able to sleep so it started to walk around the tent. It went around the cages of wild animals, tiger, lion, monkey and elephant here and there and then it came back to the mother. Baby camel found that mother was sleeping. she started calling her,

Momy !



Tell me ‘said the mother.’


I have seen many animals in this tent but most of them don’t have tall legs but why do we have tall legs?

Momy said.

“Baby actually we are supposed to live in deserts and you know in deserts it so sandy so it’s not easy to walk for many animals and even humans but you know the tall legs are a gift to us from the God so that we can walk in the deserts so easily and comfortably.”

Baby said,

Wow, we are gifted yeh?

Yes, baby.


Ok, it’s so hot let me sleep and you too. we have to work tomorrow. come on Baby.

Ok, Momma.

Momy started sleeping and baby camel started to roam around the tent and after some time it came back to the mother camel and taped her,


Mom ,

‘Baby go and sleep some time .don’t disturb me’


No momma I found something unusual about us.

You know we have a hump something box like on our back no other animals are having it. what is this box and why do we have?


‘Baby actually we are supposed to live in deserts and you know in deserts water is the most scarce thing so these hump help to store water inside our body. You know it’s a blessing given to us by God.’


‘Wow we are special no mommy ?’


‘Yeh baby.’


‘It is so hot go and sleep.’


Ok mom

Baby camel couldn’t sleep it started walking around the circus tent and observed the other animals and again come to mother and taped her

Mom mom

I found something interesting,

Mum got angry and shouted at her,

Hey, what’s wrong with you .Why don’t you let me sleep ?’

No mama

You know we have bigger eyebrows than the all other animals why is it so?

Mom ,

‘Ok, it is the last question and no more question to be asked.’

‘You know baby actually we are supposed to live in the deserts and in the deserts, it is so windy when we walk the sands will fall in our eyes so the bigger eyebrows protects us from the dusty wind in the desert a gift given by the God baby ‘

So, mum, we are really gifted yes?

Yes baby

Then Mum why do we live in this circus tent rather than the wide wilderness?

Moma had answers for every question except this one.

Now ask yourself, The big question.

We are all gifted still why do we stay here?

Though we are supposed to live in the wide open success track

( I appreciate if any one can say me who Is the author of this story and I pay my respect to the author of the story )

To answer the question frankly we need to introspect and we have to make Eight fundamental changes in our life .

The Eight fundamental changes we have to make in our life .

Identify Yur Gifts in Life,

Neither of your fingerprints are same”

“Does man think that WE Cannot assemble his bones? Nay, WE are able to put Together in perfect order The very tips of his fingers.”

[AL-QUR’AN 75:3–4]

Every individual in this world is a unique person with unique abilities. All you have to do is sit and introspect your unique talents and sharpen it.

You are your own Enemy. Discipline yourself.

God said “ Love your enemy and I started loving myself”

Galil Gibran .

You are the most powerful and unmerciful enemy of our own self. You can make or break. As in the Hindu mythology, we are all passing through the Kali-Yuga. The speciality of this Yuga is that there is no separation of good and evil both exists in you. It’s you that nurture your qualities to be an achiever or a failure you can be a celestial angel or a fallen angel. ‘Yoga- sat- karma abyasa’ ( the disciplined practice of doing good) that alone helps you to achieve the true potential of your life.

“Ask it shall be given “

‘Mathew 7–7’

Ask for help. Share your passion to people someone will defiantly give you big push that you need for your momentum.

As the old Malayalam proverb says “ poyal oru vak ,kittiyal oru Aana

If you lose all that you are losing is a word if you gain its gonna be an elephant “

Learn to monetise your skills

Many talented individuals were great failures in life.

Learn to monetise your skills. In the corporate world, it’s the most important thing to learn and only a strong financial backup helps you to explore and grow.

Develop an attitude to help more people it’s the only way to grow and monetise your skill.

Meet talk and Meet talk.

Rainy or sunny no matter talk to 3 potential people every day about your services or products if you are at the starting stage talk about your idea. In 365 days you will be communicating 1095 people

50% will say a point blank NO, they are not at all interested and you are trying to sell wrong products to wrong people.

25 % will say ‘let me think of it.’ They are opportunistic if things are in their terms they will come forward,

12.5 % will say let me get the consent of my wife, father and mother and so these are the people who are unable to take the decision.

12.5 % will do business with you and that’s goanna change your life and it’s the way you can build up your track of personal and financial success.

Brand yourself, position yourself

Son of god came to save the sinners

Time has changed world has become exactly where Darwin’s theory apply practically in every aspects of life “survival of the fittest “ no one is generous to support you come down to your level and lift you as Jesus Christ did. It your choice put you up or down and at present no one is even worried to put you down. Everyone is busy running their own rat race.

Question yourself why do I still stay here?

The most important quality of winner is to measure your own progress and going an extra mile and remind yourself that you are capable of doing a bit more. Count your gifts and be thankful that you are far better than many millions of people , in terms of skills, opportunities and you live in the great country with democratic and stable political system, natural resources and intellectual capability and many could do greater things without all these advantages still then why do you stay here?

All rich people are not successful and All poor people are not failures.

Never compare success with the amount of money acquired ,There are many millionaires who confessed at their death bed they failed in their life and lived and died unhappily. Develop a genuine attitude of helping people that increase your success ratio and when you help the needy the universe will help you. That is the universal law of attraction.

Call of Action

Realise that you are supposed to live better and achieve more

Follow the tips and wake up and keep walking

Follow your heart

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