These habits will change your new year into the most productive year in 2019.

Jilson K J
4 min readJan 28, 2019

Is there anybody who doesn’t want to change his or her life for better ? And who else didn’t skip a new year resolution noted down with much enthusiasm, probably everyone does it. Most of us Just forget the solutions we made in the second month itself. why does it happen? because most of us put unattainable goals and which doesn’t bring much value and for many. And for many, these are not giving any instant results in their life and doesn’t bring any substantial changes.

After failing multiple years I myself started the best proven new year resolution sins 2018 in my personal life which brought immense influence and change in my life and I really would like to share those amazing habits with you in the second month of 2019 as you are almost on the verge of quitting your new year resolution

1-Challenge your body

It is universally accepted that a healthy body only has the privilege of enjoying yes sound mind and a sound mind can give you all the advantages of succeeding in your plans and work.

Challenge your body to the fullest. You may a start with 30 minutes easy walking then into jogging and half -marathon. Marathon to a full marathon or even an ultra marathon .the more challenge physically the more endorphin. it will definitely change your life. so give the first priority over all the other challenges to challenge yourself physically.

2-Save 50% of your income

If you start saving 50 percent of your income, all your insecurities will end.

but this is the most difficult resolution to keep up as we are all psychologically tuned up for spending and spending helps the mind to get instant satisfaction than saving and getting security years after.

Train your mind to live as a minimalist and find happiness in saving and living simple this habit will enable you to achieve many of your long cherished dreams , like changing your career or following your passion

if you are a fresher in the job save 60 percent of your earnings and if you are with higher responsibilities and a family try to save a minimum 40 percent of your income.

3- Learn new things

Everyone wants a hike in his paycheck, everybody desires a job change in the high-income group but for many, it doesn’t happen, because many of us just add only years to our experience, not new skills and knowledge.There is no shortcut for a hike only to improve your skills and knowledge Maybe it is the time to turn off your TV and open your book, learning can be professional or academic but you are supposed to learn show sign up for a new course which you think gonna help you is your next interview

4-Make a note on your progress

Why most of us give up our new year resolutions in the first quarter itself? because we don’t know how much progress we make. So make it a habit to note down every step we do mainly fitness and spending


To note down your progress and fitness there are many apps such as Nike training club, Run keeper MyFitnessPal, Google fit , Calorie counter and I personally follow Samsung health

Spending habits

Note down every penny you spend and end of the first month get your list and make an analysis by yourself and you to find how much money you spend unnecessarily and this will give you the insight to save 50 percent of your earnings

Follow this method,

If you feel like buying something just post pond it for the next 24 hours and still do you feel it is important to buy then buy it if not scrap it and I’m sure you are growing financially strong

5-Transform your learning into value.

why do we still live in a circus tent?

I have read hundreds of self-help books .listened to 100s of motivational audiotapes and attended high paying workshop on self-improvement and still, I am the same person who was last year. No area in my life seems to be good. why? and I’m tired. This is the scenario in many people’s lives because we all fail to apply what we learn into practical life. There is a well known old proverb “Knowledge is power “ but the time has changed it into “Applied knowledge is power “

How can you change learning into value?

Stop reading thousands of self-help books instead pick one , which you feel the best one enough to change your life, apply it into your life. If you are a speaker, speak it in your workshop. If you are a blogger, write about it on your blog. Yes if you are a manager apply it in your organization. Thus learning will transform into value

So 5 great steps to transform your 2019 let’s apply this 5 steps to our life and bring value to our life ahead.

Originally published in




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