Jilson K J
4 min readOct 16, 2016


EXHALE WORRIES ::::::::::::::::::::::::.

we are all moving in a past paced way to keep up to date with the world itself, because of the accelerated speed we forget to care many things .Many of us miss breakfast ,lunch, we miss our family and target ,many of us miss the flight in the last minute and we fail to catch up with many more things in life .

But, do you miss to breath?

YES Indeed.

Then i would say you are walking hand in hand with death in an another way you are giving some chapters of your life to death without even reading it.


Let’s get deeper in to the science of breathing.

1. How many days can you live without food?

Human can go no longer 3 weeks

Mahatma Gandhi who is famous for his Fasting strike (Nirahara satyagraha ) survived 21 days on Fasting. In same extended case if human body push further, eg: In the case of Irish republican prisoner Bobby Sands who survived 66 days, Died after 66 days

2. How many days one can survive without water?

One can go at stretch 100 hrs and a maximum of 1 week

Maximum- 1 week

3. How many minutes one can survive without breathing?

Human can go no longer-30 seconds to 60 seconds

For someone with excellent health can hold 2 minutes

It is said to be that, Japanese pearl divers can hold up to 7minutes and

Danish free diver-Stig Severinsen who created a world record hold 22 minutes in 2012 under water without breathing.

Importance of Prana and Vital force of life

“And then the God formed the man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.”

(Genesis-Chapter2 verses7)

2. In Patanjali yoga sutra says Patanjali Maharshi ,

“Tat skhiyate prakasha varnam”

(Yoga Sutra chapter2 verses52)

So let’s learn the science of breathing

Functions of Respiratory System

The common functions of Respiratory system are ;

1. Bring oxygen to blood

2. Remove carbon dioxide from blood

3. Control the acid and alkali balance of the body

How do we breathe?

In an average we breathe 17 breathes in a minute and we do it in the most inefficient way so call it ,

Clavicular Breathing

This is the most inefficient breathing when we breathe so we fill 1/3 of the lungs only with oxygen. The pattern is nose to upper layer of lungs . Normally collar bone moves while breathing, its really alarming that 90% people do so unknowingly.

Total lungs capacity

The actual lung capacity in human in Men-6200 ml and in Women its -5700 ml

(Measured by spirometer)

Let’s take the example of a man

Actual lung capacity is 6200 ml if he does clavicular breathing, he fills only 1/3 of his lung capacity , So 1/3 means 2026 ml

What happens to the oxygen we breathe

The oxygen we breath , Brain takes 20% and remaining is equally distributed to the Purificationof blood cells ,Creation of new tissue and development of Red Blood cells.

If we breath the full capacity the required supply to brain is 1244 ml but be breath the inefficient way and only fill 1/3 ml volume what normally we get is 532ml .


1. The inefficient supply automatically kills the brain cells

2. Lesser purification of blood which leads to skin disease

3. Non creation of red blood cells the gradual fall in immunity level

In the end- disease and death

Bible says:

“My breath is corrupt, my days are extinct, and the graves are ready for me”

( Job chapter1 :7)

Correct Breathing

1. Abdominal or Diaphragmatic breathing

Inhalation with concentration Diaphragm contracts ,Exhalation is passive

This is the natural and most efficient (Observe new born child)

Breathing in yoga

Diaphragmatic breathing we do in yoga two modes:

1. Kapalabati-Yogic Kriya cleaning the respiratary tract and

2. Anuloma Viloma( clensing the Nadis /Nervous system )


It helps to clean lower and upper respiratory tract

Forceful exhalation

Passive inhalation

Cleans the passage for rhythmic breath (watch my you tube video for practicing breathing exercising)

Anuloma viloma

Tuned inhalation retention and slower exhalation

Advantages of yogic breathing techniques

Above all the physical benefits ,It helps yogis to slow the mind

“Yoga chittavritinirodaha ”

( Patanjali Yoga Sutra chapter1)

“Yoga is restraining activities of mind”

What are the benefits of practicing Yogic breathing techniques?

Yogic breathing techniques help us in many ways, First and for most we start breathing the full capacity of our system and give enough supply of oxygen to our body it helps

1. Formation of new blood cells

2. Development of new red blood cells in our body

3. Breath retention expands lungs capacity

4. Removes bronchial congestion-relief from Astana

5. Sound sleeps no snoring

6. Activated function of brain improves logical thinking problem solving skills .

7. More oxygen in the blood renews every tissue in the body

8. Improves pulmonary function and improves

9. Cardio respiratory fitness

How breathing correctly calm down our body and mind

Our body is tuned to fight or flight response. It helps the body to avoid danger. It is the best security system in our body clock and useful when appropriately used. But when the response is constantly provoked in day to day events such as money problems, traffic jams job worries, relationships, health problems are sure and disease are the result.

If Fight or flight is constantly provoked

1. High blood pressure which leads heart disease

2. Stress — Immune system fails and it

3. Build up anxiety and depression

‘We can’t avoid stress we can develop healthier ways through yoga’

Now let’s practice breathing.

Watch my you tube videos -jilsyogi/YouTube

Each breathing techniques is connected to diaphragmatic breathing and gives you best result in



Health of internal organs

Anti ageing.


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( I am thank full to all from i sourced out the information )



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