9 Skills Schools don’t Teach you and must for a Successful Life.
Selling is the most important skill that everyone must master.
We all sell something or other to lead our life.
Suppose you may think I work in a 9 to 5 job and I do not sell anything but the fact is that you are selling your ability to do the assigned work and you are selling your time for the pay check you receive .
And you know why some one get a highest pay check for the same work you do ?
Its because he sold his skill with right selling skill
You have to learn the art of selling to lead a successful life either you sell a physical product or service or your time
“If you don’t have something to sell you will be always poor,”
1- How to think.
Yes, school doesn’t teach how to think. All our curriculum from schools to college are filled with theory and case study , They instill knowledge as a commodity and with the knowledge you are supposed to find a great job and great home and great car and have happy family , in a nut sell you are now fit in the rat race.
And only the thinkers get ahead in life and they are in top 20 % and others are in the 80 % heard.
2 Advice's to shape your thinking from two great minds.
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.”
― Henry Ford
“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
― Albert Einstein
2- How to Negotiate.
Negotiation is a prime skill that makes you get paid for your value.
No school teaches how to negotiate and if not, you master the art of negotiation you will be carrying the extra burden and it will stress you out and in long run erase your creativity. imagine getting under paid for a long time because you failed to negotiate well and prove the worth of your skill.
Here is a guide from Brian Tracy
1- How to face failure
Success is glorified always and the schools teach how to be successful.
Competition is essential and you are always advised to be the winner.
winners are always glorified but what about the failures
we hear always success stories.
You have to face failure alone and no one ever teaches you how to face failure.
This is an ultimate advice to face failure , give a thought about it.
I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. — Michael Jordan
2- How to manage time
Arts to science, math to theology , engineering to philosophy schools teach you the great theories but never teaches you the importance of time management
Time is money and time is everything. You are supposed to learn this skills yourself and no school or university goanna teach you the skill of time management .
How To Multiply Your Time .
A 3 Million plus watched ted show which will give you a clear picture about Time Management
3- How to invest money
There are so many management courses and methods which teaches how to earn money but no school or universities teach how to invest money
Einstein taught the power of compounding but universities still teach it as theory but not as lesson to invest.
2 Advice's, worth changing g your life from warren Buffet
Rule №1: Never lose money. Rule №2: Never forget rule №1”
Warren Buffets
“The business schools reward difficult complex behavior more than simple behavior, but simple behavior is more effective.”
4- How to find your passion.
You are taught arts science management and a lot more in the entire years of schooling but in reality when you come out of universities you never do what you studied, instead you do a random job .
Haven’t you seen engineer turned photographer and
M BA’s turned chefs?
Schools will never teach you how to find your passion
It’s your responsibility to find your passion.
Read more to find your passion using the Japanese modal ikigai
5- How to handle money.
There are a million stories of people who broke financially with high income jobs and high end academical certifications why so ?
No schools teach you how to handle money
Watch this awesome training by Vick Strizheus for a great money management skill
6- How to make an impact
What is the purpose of your existence in the world if you cannot make an impact in the world.Millions have left this world but few left their mark
Schools and universities didn’t teach Steve Jobs or Michael Jackson (I personally love Michel Jackson) to make his impact.
Learn how to make your mark be an Influencer.
4- Tips to make your impact.
a- Take the lead
Leaderships and greatness are not selected for few if you believe so change that mindset .
Many actually shy away from taking the lead.
If you are in this world to make your impact and leave your mark, Take the lead.
b- Go the extra mile.
Most people do what is asked for and they are forgotten but the one who go the extra mile will leave their mark for ever and be one who go the extra mile.
c- Do thing without being asked.
Light boy to Hollywood super star.
Office boy to the chairman of the world’s largest corporation
There are stories of people who made it bigger in their life.
How they made it? They did things more without being asked.
d- Be a Trailblazer
One of the greatest methods for making your impact is to come up with ground breaking creative ideas.
Be a person who can always give a creative solution for a problem.
Action steps.