Jilson K J
1 min readMar 11, 2019


Does failure bring value to life?

Can failure teach you the best lessons in life ?

Is it failure or is it learning?

14 years and ten plus venture to my credit all failed (ha ha ) I have learned the art of winning with smile

Fourteen years Ten plus ventures

Education, Consulting stock broking Sales, technology, Branding and hardcore marketing and retail and much more. I established, run over a period. Each venture took me so high and ditched me deep down and I failed miserably. I fell every time I rose up. I complained, blamed my qualification, lack of support, my parents, being born in poor middle class and against my friends, circumstance people God and my blame list goes on and on. But never I blamed ME.
I have consulted many for a perfect solution everyone I met was so generous to offer me the best solutions and the suggested guided motivated and even insisted. Their solutions were brilliant apt and well exercised but I didn’t understand why nothing fit my problem aptly

And I want to give you the 5 fundamental reasons people fail and teach you the lessons failure will teach you through video and inspire you to

Learn to ask better question

“ Successful people ask better questions and as results, they get better answers “
Tony Robbins

And seek the answer inside you

“ All the answer you need are inside you. You only have to become quiet enough to hear them “
Debbie Ford

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